Lucy Delap publishes article

NYCTC faculty member Lucy Delap’s article “‘Disgusting Details Which Are Best Forgotten’: Disclosures of Child Sexual Abuse in Twentieth-Century Britain” appears in the January 2018 issue of the Journal of British Studies. The article is...

Freddy Foks publishes article

NYCTC graduate student Freddy Foks has published an article in the most recent issue of Comparative Studies in Society and History. Titled “Bronislaw Malinowski, ‘Indirect Rule,’ and the Colonial Politics of Functionalist Anthropology, ca....

New book from NYCTC faculty member

NYCTC faculty member Tim Rogan‘s first book, The Moral Economists: R.H. Tawney, Karl Polanyi, E.P. Thompson, and the Critique of Capitalism has just been published with Princeton University Press. It traces a twentieth-century tradition of critiques of...

George Severs publishes chapter

NCYTC graduate student George Severs’ work is featured in the new edited collection Tomorrow Belongs to Us: The British Far Right since 1967, published by Routledge. George’s chapter is entitled “The obnoxious mobilised minority: homophobia and...