by Alice Gorton | Nov 19, 2017 | Announcements |
The collaborative EHRC-funded project Secondary Education and Social Change, whose project staff includes NYCTC participants Peter Mandler and Laura Carter, has launched a website. Support our colleagues by clicking through to follow their project activities—and check...
by Alice Gorton | Oct 23, 2017 | Announcements |
NYCTC graduate student Andrew Seaton has received the Paul Klemperer Fellowship in the History of Medicine, meaning that he will be a fellow in residence at the New York Academy of Medicine in 2018. Congratulations to Andrew! Andrew also recently presented his...
by Alice Gorton | Oct 8, 2017 | Announcements |
The major ESRC-funded research project Secondary Education and Social Change in the UK since 1945, staffed by NYCTC members, has officially launched. Led by PI Peter Mandler, joined by research associations Chris Jeppesen and Laura Carter, the project takes a...
by Alice Gorton | Sep 2, 2017 | Announcements |
Over the summer, a number of NYCTC members and past members published articles and had their research featured in the media: Jon Lawrence was on Radio 4’s Longview, discussing popular politics from the Primrose League to Momentum. Sam Wetherell published...
by Alice Gorton | Sep 2, 2017 | Announcements |
We have joined the twenty-first century and are now on Twitter at @NYCTC_History. Please follow us for news and updates about the collaboration and its members.
by Alice Gorton | Jul 20, 2017 | Announcements |
NYCTC member Laura Carter has been working on a project about women historians in Britain during the twentieth century, along with colleagues from King’s College London and the Institute for Historical Research. The IHR hosted a conference in March, as well as...