by Alice Gorton | Jul 21, 2018 | Announcements |
Prof. Susan Pedersen gave the 2018 Pimlott Lecture at King’s College London on July 3, 2018. Entitled “The Women’s Suffrage Movement in the Balfour Family,” the talk was enjoyed by a large audience, including many current and past NYCTC...
by Alice Gorton | May 23, 2018 | Announcements |
NYCTC graduate student Roslyn Dubler has been awarded the Alliance-Council for European Studies Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship to conduct archival research in Europe this summer. She will use the grant to conduct preliminary research for her prospectus in the...
by Alice Gorton | May 22, 2018 | Announcements |
The NYCTC group are delighted to announce that Dr Helen McCarthy (QMUL) will be joining NYCTC in her new role as Lecturer in Modern British History at Cambridge. We look forward to welcoming Helen when she starts at Cambridge in the...
by Alice Gorton | May 11, 2018 | Announcements |
NYCTC lecturer Emily Jones’s book, Edmund Burke & the Invention of Modern Conservatism, 1830-1914: An Intellectual History, has been shortlisted for the 2018 Longman–History Today Prize, awarded for the best first or second book published in Britain in the...
by Alice Gorton | May 1, 2018 | Announcements |
NYCTC graduate students Freddy Foks and Chika Tonooka, who are completing their PhDs this year, have both been awarded junior research fellowships at colleges in Cambridge. From autumn 2018, Freddy will be a JRF at King’s College, and Chika will be the Mark...
by Alice Gorton | Apr 30, 2018 | Announcements |
Stuart Middleton (Cambridge), who has been participating in NYCTC this year while a Fulbright Scholar at NYU, will be leaving us to become Assistant Professor of History and Literature at the University of Warwick. His responsibilities will include designing and...