by Alice Gorton | Jul 20, 2017 | Announcements |
NYCTC member Laura Carter has been working on a project about women historians in Britain during the twentieth century, along with colleagues from King’s College London and the Institute for Historical Research. The IHR hosted a conference in March, as well as...
by Alice Gorton | Jul 9, 2017 | Announcements |
Peter Mandler has received a four-year grant from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to study “Secondary Education and Social Change in the United Kingdom since 1945.” The grant, which amounts to just over £1m including Cambridge’s...
by Alice Gorton | Jul 9, 2017 | Announcements |
NYCTC graduate student alumna Laura Carter (Cambridge) will return to the collaboration via a junior research fellowship at Murray Edwards College, Cambridge from October 2017. Previously a teaching fellow at King’s College London, Carter will be a postdoctoral...